Source code for biolord._model

import io
import itertools
import logging
import os
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rich
import torch
from anndata import AnnData
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from scvi import REGISTRY_KEYS
from import AnnDataManager
from import (
from scvi.dataloaders import DataSplitter
from scvi.model.base import BaseModelClass
from scvi.train import TrainRunner
from scvi.utils import setup_anndata_dsp
from tqdm import tqdm

from ._data import AnnDataSplitter
from ._module import BiolordClassifyModule, BiolordModule
from ._train import biolordClassifyTrainingPlan, biolordTrainingPlan
from ._utils import repeat_n

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.propagate = False
logging_dir = "./biolord_log/"

__all__ = ["Biolord"]

[docs] class Biolord(BaseModelClass): """The biolord model class. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. model_name Name of the model. module_params Hyperparameters for the model's module initialization, e.g, :class:`~biolord.BiolordModule` or :class:`~biolord.BiolordClassifyModule`. n_latent Number of latent dimensions used for the latent embedding. train_classifiers Whether to activate a :class:`~biolord.BiolordClassifyModule`. split_key Key in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` used to split the data between train, test and validation. train_split Value in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` ``['{split_key}']`` marking the train set. valid_split Value in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` ``['{split_key}']`` marking the validation set. test_split Value in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` ``['{split_key}']`` marking the test set. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import scanpy as sc import biolord adata = biolord.Biolord.setup_anndata( adata, ordered_attributes_keys=["time"], categorical_attributes_keys=["cell_type"] ) model = biolord.Biolord(adata, n_latent=256, split_key="split") model.train(max_epochs=200, batch_size=256) """ def __init__( self, adata: AnnData, model_name: Optional[str] = None, module_params: dict[str, Any] = None, n_latent: int = 128, train_classifiers: bool = False, split_key: Optional[str] = None, train_split: str = "train", valid_split: str = "test", test_split: str = "ood", ): super().__init__(adata) self.categorical_attributes_map = {} self.ordered_attributes_map = {} self.retrieval_attribute_dict = {} self.categorical_attributes_missing = self.registry_["setup_args"]["categorical_attributes_missing"] self.x_loc = None self._set_attributes_maps() self.n_latent = n_latent self.n_genes = adata.n_vars self.split_key = split_key self.scores = {} self._module = None self._training_plan = None self._data_splitter = None train_indices, valid_indices, test_indices = None, None, None if split_key is not None: train_indices = np.where(adata.obs.loc[:, split_key] == train_split)[0] valid_indices = np.where(adata.obs.loc[:, split_key] == valid_split)[0] test_indices = np.where(adata.obs.loc[:, split_key] == test_split)[0] self.train_indices = train_indices self.valid_indices = valid_indices self.test_indices = test_indices self.n_samples = adata.n_obs self.train_classifiers = train_classifiers module_params = module_params if isinstance(module_params, dict) else {} if self.train_classifiers: self.module = BiolordClassifyModule( n_genes=self.n_genes, n_samples=self.n_samples, x_loc=self.x_loc, categorical_attributes_map=self.categorical_attributes_map, ordered_attributes_map=self.ordered_attributes_map, categorical_attributes_missing=self.categorical_attributes_missing, n_latent=self.n_latent, **module_params, ).float() else: self.module = BiolordModule( n_genes=self.n_genes, n_samples=self.n_samples, x_loc=self.x_loc, ordered_attributes_map=self.ordered_attributes_map, categorical_attributes_map=self.categorical_attributes_map, n_latent=self.n_latent, **module_params, ).float() self._model_summary_string = self.__class__.__name__ self._model_name = model_name self.init_params_ = self._get_init_params(locals()) self.epoch_history = None def _set_attributes_maps(self): """Set attributes' maps.""" for attribute_ in self.registry_["setup_args"]["categorical_attributes_keys"]: self.categorical_attributes_map[attribute_] = { c: i for i, c in enumerate( self.registry_["field_registries"][attribute_]["state_registry"]["categorical_mapping"] ) } for attribute_ in self.registry_["setup_args"]["ordered_attributes_keys"]: # validata obs if attribute_ in self.adata.obs: self.ordered_attributes_map[attribute_] = 1 elif attribute_ in self.adata.obsm: self.ordered_attributes_map[attribute_] = self.adata.obsm[attribute_].shape[1] else: raise KeyError(f"class {attribute_} not found in `adata.obs` or `adata.obsm`.") if self.registry_["setup_args"]["retrieval_attribute_key"] is not None: self.retrieval_attribute_dict = { "retrieval_attribute_key": len( np.unique(self.adata.obs[self.registry_["setup_args"]["retrieval_attribute_key"]]) ) } self.x_loc = self.registry_["setup_args"]["FIELD"].attr_name @property def training_plan(self): """The model's training plan.""" return self._training_plan @training_plan.setter def training_plan(self, plan): self._training_plan = plan @property def data_splitter(self): """Data splitter.""" return self._data_splitter @data_splitter.setter def data_splitter(self, data_splitter): self._data_splitter = data_splitter @property def module(self) -> BiolordModule: """Model's module.""" return self._module @module.setter def module(self, module: BiolordModule): self._module = module @property def model_name(self) -> str: """Model's name.""" return self._model_name @model_name.setter def model_name(self, model_name: str): self._model_name = model_name
[docs] @classmethod @setup_anndata_dsp.dedent def setup_anndata( cls, adata: AnnData, ordered_attributes_keys: Optional[list[str]] = None, categorical_attributes_keys: Optional[list[str]] = None, categorical_attributes_missing: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, retrieval_attribute_key: Optional[str] = None, layer: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Setup function. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. ordered_attributes_keys Valid :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` or :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obsm` keys for the ordered attributes. categorical_attributes_keys Valid :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` keys for the categorical attributes. categorical_attributes_missing Categories representing missing labels. Only used if ``train_classifiers=True``. retrieval_attribute_key Valid :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` key for an attribute to evaluate retrieval performance over. layer Expression layer in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.layers` to use. If :obj:`None`, use :attr:`anndata.AnnData.X`. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:``. Returns ------- Nothing, just sets up ``adata``. """ if layer is not None: if layer not in adata.layers: raise KeyError(f"{layer} is not a valid key in `adata.layers`.")"Using data from adata.layers[{layer!r}]") FIELD = LayerField( registry_key="layers", layer=layer, is_count_data=True, ) else:"Using data from `adata.X`.") FIELD = LayerField(registry_key="X", layer=None, is_count_data=False) ordered_attributes_keys = ordered_attributes_keys if isinstance(ordered_attributes_keys, list) else [] categorical_attributes_keys = ( categorical_attributes_keys if isinstance(categorical_attributes_keys, list) else [] ) if categorical_attributes_missing is not None: for attribute_, val_ in categorical_attributes_missing.items(): if val_ is not None: adata.obs[attribute_] = adata.obs[attribute_].astype("category") cats = adata.obs[attribute_].cat.categories idx_ = cats.isin([val_]) ordered = list(cats[~idx_]) + [val_] adata.obs[attribute_] = adata.obs[attribute_].cat.reorder_categories(ordered) # set retrieval class retrieval_attribute_dict = {} if retrieval_attribute_key is not None: retrieval_attribute_dict = {"retrieval_attribute_key": len(np.unique(adata.obs[retrieval_attribute_key]))} # set ordered classes ordered_attributes_obs = [] ordered_attributes_obsm = [] for attribute_ in ordered_attributes_keys: # validata obs if attribute_ in adata.obs: ordered_attributes_obs.append(attribute_) elif attribute_ in adata.obsm: ordered_attributes_obsm.append(attribute_) else: raise KeyError(f"class {attribute_} not found in `adata.obs` or `adata.obsm`.") setup_method_args = cls._get_setup_method_args(**locals()) adata.obs["_indices"] = np.arange(adata.n_obs) anndata_fields = ( [ FIELD, NumericalObsField(REGISTRY_KEYS.INDICES_KEY, "_indices"), ] + [ CategoricalObsField(registry_key=attribute_, attr_key=attribute_) for attribute_ in categorical_attributes_keys ] + [ NumericalObsField( attribute_, attribute_, ) for attribute_ in ordered_attributes_obs ] + [ ObsmField( attribute_, attribute_, is_count_data=False, correct_data_format=True, ) for attribute_ in ordered_attributes_obsm ] ) if retrieval_attribute_key is not None: anndata_fields += [ CategoricalObsField( registry_key=retrieval_attribute_key, attr_key=retrieval_attribute_key, ) ] adata_manager = AnnDataManager( fields=anndata_fields, setup_method_args=setup_method_args, ) adata_manager.register_fields(adata, **kwargs) cls.register_manager(adata_manager)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_latent_representation_adata( self, adata: Optional[AnnData] = None, indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = 512, nullify_attribute: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> tuple[AnnData, AnnData]: """Return the unknown attributes latent space and full latent variable. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. indices Optional indices. batch_size Batch size to use. nullify_attribute Attribute to nullify in the latent space. Returns ------- Two :class:`~anndata.AnnData` objects providing the unknown attributes latent space and the concatenated decomposed latent respectively. """ if self.is_trained_ is False: raise RuntimeError("Please train the model first.") nullify_attribute = [] if nullify_attribute is None else nullify_attribute adata = self._validate_anndata(adata) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(adata.n_obs) scdl = self._make_data_loader(adata=adata, indices=indices, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) latent_unknown_attributes = [] latent = [] for tensors in scdl: inference_inputs = self.module.get_inference_input(tensors) outputs = self.module.inference(**inference_inputs, nullify_attribute=nullify_attribute) latent_unknown_attributes += [outputs["latent_unknown_attributes"].cpu().numpy()] latent += [outputs["latent"].cpu().numpy()] latent_unknown_attributes_adata = AnnData( X=np.concatenate(latent_unknown_attributes, axis=0), obs=adata[indices].obs.copy() ) latent_unknown_attributes_adata.obs_names = adata[indices].obs_names latent_adata = AnnData(X=np.concatenate(latent, axis=0), obs=adata[indices].obs.copy()) latent_adata.obs_names = adata[indices].obs_names return latent_unknown_attributes_adata, latent_adata
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_dataset( self, adata: Optional[AnnData] = None, indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Processes :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object into valid input tensors for the model. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. indices Optional indices. Returns ------- A dictionary of tensors which can be passed as input to the model. """ adata = self._validate_anndata(adata) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(adata.n_obs) scdl = self._make_data_loader(adata=adata, indices=indices, batch_size=len(indices), shuffle=False) return list(scdl)[0]
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def predict( self, adata: Optional[AnnData] = None, indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = 512, nullify_attribute: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> tuple[AnnData, AnnData]: """The model's gene expression prediction for a given :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. indices Optional indices. batch_size Batch size to use. nullify_attribute Attribute to nullify in latent space. Returns ------- Two :class:`~anndata.AnnData` objects representing the model's prediction of the expression mean and variance respectively. """ nullify_attribute = [] if nullify_attribute is None else nullify_attribute self.module.eval() adata = self._validate_anndata(adata) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(adata.n_obs) scdl = self._make_data_loader(adata=adata, indices=indices, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) mus = [] stds = [] for tensors in scdl: _mus, _stds = self.module.get_expression(tensors, nullify_attribute=nullify_attribute) _mus = _mus if _mus.ndim > 1 else _mus[None, :] _stds = _stds if _stds.ndim > 1 else _stds[None, :] mus.append(_mus.detach().cpu().numpy()) stds.append(_stds.detach().cpu().numpy()) pred_adata_mean = AnnData(X=np.concatenate(mus, axis=0), obs=adata.obs.copy()) pred_adata_var = AnnData(X=np.concatenate(stds, axis=0), obs=adata.obs.copy()) pred_adata_mean.obs_names = adata.obs_names pred_adata_var.obs_names = adata.obs_names pred_adata_mean.var_names = adata.var_names pred_adata_var.var_names = adata.var_names return pred_adata_mean, pred_adata_var
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_ordered_attribute_embedding( self, attribute_key: str, vals: Optional[Union[float, str, np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute embedding of an ordered attribute. Parameters ---------- attribute_key The key of the desired attribute. vals Values of interest. Returns ------- Array of the attribute's embedding. """ self.module.eval() vals = vals if vals is not None else 1.0 if isinstance(vals, float): batch = torch.tensor([vals]).to(self.device).float() elif isinstance(vals, np.ndarray): batch = torch.tensor(vals).to(self.device).float() else: batch = vals return self.module.ordered_networks[attribute_key](batch).detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_categorical_attribute_embeddings( self, attribute_key: str, attribute_category: Optional[str] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute embedding of a categorical attribute. Parameters ---------- attribute_key The key of the desired attribute. attribute_category A specific category for embedding computation. Returns ------- Array of the attribute's embedding. """ if attribute_category is None: cat_ids = torch.arange(len(self.categorical_attributes_map[attribute_key]), device=self.device) else: cat_ids = torch.LongTensor([self.categorical_attributes_map[attribute_key][attribute_category]]).to( self.device ) embeddings = self.module.categorical_embeddings[attribute_key](cat_ids).detach().cpu().numpy() return embeddings
[docs] def save( self, dir_path: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, save_anndata: bool = False, **anndata_save_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Save the model. Parameters ---------- dir_path Directory where to save the model. If :obj:`None`, it will be determined automatically. overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing model. save_anndata Whether to also save :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. anndata_save_kwargs Keyword arguments :meth:``. Returns ------- Nothing, just saves the model. """ if dir_path is None: dir_path = ( f"./{self.__class__.__name__}_model/" if self.model_name is None else f"./{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.model_name}_model/" ) super().save( dir_path=dir_path, overwrite=overwrite, save_anndata=save_anndata, **anndata_save_kwargs, ) if isinstance(self.training_plan.epoch_history, dict): self.epoch_history = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(self.training_plan.epoch_history) self.epoch_history.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_path, "history.csv"), index=False)
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, dir_path: str, adata: Optional[AnnData] = None, accelerator: str = "auto", device: Union[int, list[int], str] = "auto", **kwargs: Any, ) -> "Biolord": """Load a saved model. Parameters ---------- dir_path Directory where the model is saved. adata AnnData organized in the same way as data used to train model. accelerator Supports passing different accelerator types ("cpu", "gpu", "tpu", "ipu", "hpu", "mps, "auto") as well as custom accelerator instances. device The device to use. Can be set to a positive number (int or str), or ``"auto"`` for automatic selection based on the chosen accelerator. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`scvi` Returns ------- The saved model. """ model = super().load(dir_path, adata, accelerator=accelerator, device=device, **kwargs) Biolord.categorical_attributes_map = model.categorical_attributes_map Biolord.ordered_attributes_map = model.ordered_attributes_map fname = os.path.join(dir_path, "history.csv") if os.path.isfile(fname): model.epoch_history = pd.read_csv(fname) else: logger.warning(f"The history file `{fname}` was not found") return model
[docs] def train( self, max_epochs: Optional[int] = None, accelerator: str = "auto", device: Union[int, list[int], str] = "auto", train_size: float = 0.9, validation_size: Optional[float] = None, plan_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, batch_size: int = 128, early_stopping: bool = False, **trainer_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Train the :class:`~biolord.Biolord` model. Parameters ---------- max_epochs Maximum number of epochs for training. accelerator Supports passing different accelerator types ("cpu", "gpu", "tpu", "ipu", "hpu", "mps, "auto") as well as custom accelerator instances. device The device to use. Can be set to a positive number (int or str), or ``"auto"`` for automatic selection based on the chosen accelerator. train_size Fraction of training data in the case of randomly splitting dataset to train/validation if :attr:`split_key` is not set in model's constructor. validation_size Fraction of validation data in the case of randomly splitting dataset to train/validation if :attr:`split_key` is not set in model's constructor. batch_size Size of mini-batches for training. early_stopping If `True`, early stopping will be used during training on validation dataset. plan_kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~scvi.train.TrainingPlan`. trainer_kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~scvi.train.TrainRunner`. Returns ------- Nothing, just trains the :class:`~biolord.Biolord` model. """ plan_kwargs = plan_kwargs if plan_kwargs is not None else {} if self.train_classifiers: self.training_plan = biolordClassifyTrainingPlan( module=self.module, **plan_kwargs, ) else: self.training_plan = biolordTrainingPlan( module=self.module, **plan_kwargs, ) monitor = trainer_kwargs.pop("monitor", "val_biolord_metric") save_ckpt_every_n_epoch = trainer_kwargs.pop("save_ckpt_every_n_epoch", 20) enable_checkpointing = trainer_kwargs.pop("enable_checkpointing", False) trainer_kwargs["callbacks"] = [] if "callbacks" not in trainer_kwargs.keys() else trainer_kwargs["callbacks"] if enable_checkpointing: checkpointing_callback = ModelCheckpoint(monitor=monitor, every_n_epochs=save_ckpt_every_n_epoch) trainer_kwargs["callbacks"] += [checkpointing_callback] num_workers = trainer_kwargs.pop("num_workers", 0) if max_epochs is None: n_cells = self.adata.n_obs max_epochs = np.min([round((20000 / n_cells) * 400), 400]) manual_splitting = ( (self.valid_indices is not None) and (self.train_indices is not None) and (self.test_indices is not None) ) if manual_splitting: self.data_splitter = AnnDataSplitter( self.adata_manager, train_indices=self.train_indices, valid_indices=self.valid_indices, test_indices=self.test_indices, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, ) else: self.data_splitter = DataSplitter( self.adata_manager, train_size=train_size, validation_size=validation_size, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, ) es = "early_stopping" trainer_kwargs[es] = early_stopping if es not in trainer_kwargs.keys() else trainer_kwargs[es] trainer_kwargs["check_val_every_n_epoch"] = trainer_kwargs.get("check_val_every_n_epoch", 1) trainer_kwargs["early_stopping_patience"] = trainer_kwargs.get("early_stopping_patience", 20) root_dir = logging_dir root_dir = ( os.path.join(root_dir, f"{self.__class__.__name__}/") if self.model_name is None else os.path.join(root_dir, f"{self.model_name}_{self.__class__.__name__}/") ) trainer_kwargs["default_root_dir"] = trainer_kwargs.pop("default_root_dir", root_dir) runner = TrainRunner( self, training_plan=self.training_plan, data_splitter=self.data_splitter, max_epochs=max_epochs, accelerator=accelerator, devices=device, early_stopping_monitor=monitor, early_stopping_mode="max", enable_checkpointing=enable_checkpointing, checkpointing_monitor=monitor, **trainer_kwargs, ) return runner()
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def evaluate_retrieval( self, batch_size: int = None, eval_set: Literal["test", "validation"] = "test", ) -> float: """Returns the accuracy of the retrieval task over the pre-defined `retrieval_class`. Parameters ---------- batch_size Batch size to use. eval_set Evaluation dataset. Returns ------- Retrieval accuracy over the evaluation dataset. """ k = 1 if self.is_trained_ is False: raise RuntimeError("Please train the model first.") batch_size = batch_size if batch_size is not None else self.adata.n_obs latent_unknown_attributes_train_adata, _ = self.get_latent_representation_adata( adata=self.adata, indices=self.train_indices, batch_size=batch_size ) if eval_set == "test": eval_indices = self.test_indices elif eval_set == "validation": eval_indices = self.valid_indices else: raise RuntimeError(f"Supports `eval_type` `test` or `validation` but {eval_set} was provided.") latent_unknown_attributes_test_adata, _ = self.get_latent_representation_adata( adata=self.adata, indices=eval_indices ) return self._retrieval_accuracy( latent_unknown_attributes_test_adata.obs[REGISTRY_KEYS.RETRIEVAL_CLASS], latent_unknown_attributes_test_adata.X, latent_unknown_attributes_train_adata.obs[REGISTRY_KEYS.RETRIEVAL_CLASS], latent_unknown_attributes_train_adata.X, k=k, )
@torch.no_grad() def _retrieval_accuracy( self, retrieval_class, latent_unknown_attributes, retrieval_attribute_train, latent_unknown_attributes_train, k=1, ) -> float: """Retrieval accuracy score.""" from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k).fit(latent_unknown_attributes_train) _, ind_ = nbrs.kneighbors(latent_unknown_attributes) tot_correct = 0.0 for i_eval, i_train in enumerate(ind_): is_equal = [(retrieval_attribute_train[i_train[i]] == retrieval_class[i_eval]) for i in range(k)] is_equal = np.sum(is_equal) / k tot_correct = tot_correct + is_equal return tot_correct / len(ind_) @torch.no_grad() def _compute_prediction( self, adata, dataset_source, target_attributes, ) -> tuple[dict[tuple[Any], Any], Any]: """Expression prediction over given inputs. Parameters ---------- adata An annotated data object containing possible values of the `target_attributes`. dataset_source Dataset of cells to "shift", make predictions over. target_attributes Attributes to make predictions over. Returns ------- The prediction dict for each attribute value and the original expression prediction. """ keys = list( itertools.product( *[list(self.categorical_attributes_map[attribute_].keys()) for attribute_ in target_attributes] ) ) layer = "X" if "X" in dataset_source else "layers" pred_original, _ = self.module.get_expression(dataset_source) classes_dataset = {} predictions_dict = {} for attribute_ in target_attributes: categories_index = pd.Index(adata.obs[attribute_].values, dtype="category") classes_dataset[attribute_] = {} for key_, _ in tqdm(zip(*np.unique(categories_index.values, return_counts=True), strict=True)): bool_category = categories_index.get_loc(key_) adata_cur = adata[bool_category, :].copy() dataset = self.get_dataset(adata_cur) classes_dataset[attribute_][key_] = dataset[attribute_][0, :] for key_ in keys: dataset_comb = {} n_obs = dataset_source[layer].size(0) for key_dataset in dataset_source: dataset_comb[key_dataset] = dataset_source[key_dataset].to(self.device) for ci, attribute_ in enumerate(target_attributes): dataset_comb[attribute_] = repeat_n(classes_dataset[attribute_][key_[ci]], n_obs) pred, _ = self.module.get_expression(dataset_comb) predictions_dict[key_] = pred return predictions_dict, pred_original
[docs] def compute_prediction_adata( self, adata: AnnData, adata_source: AnnData, target_attributes: list[str], add_attributes: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> AnnData: """Expression prediction over given inputs. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object containing possible values of the ``target_attributes``. adata_source Annotated data object we wish to make predictions over, e.g., change their ``target_attributes``. target_attributes Attributes to make predictions over. add_attributes Additional attributes to add to :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` from the original adata to the prediction adata object. Returns ------- Annotated data object containing predictions of the cells in all combinations of the ``target_attributes``. """ dataset_source = self.get_dataset(adata_source) predictions_dict, _ = self._compute_prediction( adata=adata, dataset_source=dataset_source, target_attributes=target_attributes ) preds_ = np.concatenate([val.cpu() for key, val in predictions_dict.items()]) adata_preds = AnnData(X=preds_, dtype=preds_.dtype) for attribute_ in target_attributes: adata_preds.obs[attribute_] = "Source" start = 0 obs_names_tmp = adata_preds.obs_names.values for key_, vals_ in predictions_dict.items(): for ci, _ in enumerate(target_attributes): adata_preds.obs.iloc[start : start + vals_.shape[0], ci] = key_[ci] obs_names_tmp[start : start + vals_.shape[0]] = [ obs_name + "_" + "_".join([str(k) for k in key_]) for obs_name in adata_source.obs_names ] start += vals_.shape[0] adata_preds.obs_names = obs_names_tmp for attribute_ in target_attributes: adata_preds.obs[attribute_] = adata_preds.obs[attribute_].astype("category") if add_attributes is not None: for attribute_ in add_attributes: start = 0 adata_preds.obs[attribute_] = np.nan for _ in range(int(adata_preds.shape[0] / adata_source.shape[0])): adata_preds.obs.iloc[start : start + adata_source.shape[0], -1] = adata_source.obs[attribute_] start += adata_source.shape[0] adata_preds.obs[attribute_] = adata_preds.obs[attribute_].astype(adata_source.obs[attribute_].dtype) if f"{attribute_}_colors" in adata_source.uns: adata_preds.uns[f"{attribute_}_colors"] = adata_source.uns[f"{attribute_}_colors"] adata_preds.var_names = adata_source.var_names return adata_preds
def __repr__(self) -> str: buffer = io.StringIO() summary_string = f"{self._model_summary_string} training status: " summary_string += "{}".format("[green]Trained[/]" if self.is_trained else "[red]Not trained[/]") console = rich.console.Console(file=buffer) with console.capture() as capture: console.print(summary_string) return capture.get()